† English Blog'10 †
English Oasis
Sunday, June 6
Growth Camp 2010
This Growth Camp is one of my wanted camps in my life, where there were never include any major wet activities. This would mean that we do not need to waste precious time on changing clothes. On the third of June, we were asked to assemble in the hall for our morning assembly. During that period of time, I saw many trainers standing at the corridor of the hall. I looked at the trainers inventively, looking at the ones holding the sign written "GROUP 2". I was shocked that there were two of them, a male and a female. How could it be? Can a female be a facilitator, too?

After everyone was grouped accordingly to their arrangements, everyone followed their facilitator back to the respective classrooms. We walked to a classroom, which labelled “Group 2” above the classroom door. We were asked to put the tables aside, leaving the chairs behind and we were told to sit on the floor.

At first, everyone was a stranger to one another; we did not speak to one another, only members from our class. After we sat down on the floor, the facilitators went to the front and told us to arrange the chairs to form a circle. Then we sat down on the chair. One of the facilitators said that we had just met each other and we did not know most of the members in the group, so every group were suppose to play a game called “ice-breaking”. Everyone gave a gloomy look.

Then, the game started. We were told to say out our name and our class loudly. The facilitator randomly picked a student on the chair and asked him to name the entire student surrounded among him. He managed to say the entire names out and he was relieved.

On the second day, we were asked to go to the Central business district (CBD) to have one of our games there. We were told that we were playing human-monopoly, where we had to solve riddles to find another spot, to play the game. If we were to succeed the game, we were rewarded cash, made by the school. The group, who has the most value of money, wins.

After the day, we had our lunch under a bridge. Then, we had a debrief session after the lunch. It was until around 4pm the bus came and we managed to get back to the school. Until then, we were very exhausted and we took a bath after the trip back to school.

At that night, when everyone had about to go to sleep, we cannot find the facilitators anymore. I was told that they had left the school already. I felt quite sad. I had not said my thanks to them and farewell.

The third day, we assembled in the hall, together with the Secondary ones and threes about the trips we had during the camp. Videos, photos were shown on the screen. Around 10am, we were dismissed.

I will never forget about these three days we had spent together.