† English Blog'10 †
English Oasis
Tuesday, August 17
What makes you sad?
What makes you sad?

Sadness is part of our daily life. Nobody can avoid being sad. Whenever I got very low marks for my test, not getting A1 for Mathematics or I failed my Mathematics test recently, I felt desperate. If people were to criticise me or to say anything sarcastic in front of the whole class, I would feel very sad and embarrased.

Some television programmes, usually a romance programme, which had an unhappy ending, such as the relationship of a couple, breaking-up or couples would end up in divorce state and the other spouse would cry desperately, I would feel very emotional and somehow drips of tears, would fall run down on my face.

My friends are always criticising others, let alone me. They kept on talking behind my back, saying lots of nonsensical comments about me. Sometimes they would even go too far, they even said those inappropriate comments about me.

Some teachers would comment on my work, in a very direct way, which hurts my feelings. The teacher would read aloud the mistakes I made and it would make me feel embarrased. When I went home and think about this, I would feel disappointed about myself, which causes me to be sad.

Sometimes people from the other countries, who does not know the culture in Singapore, they would speak their words freely, without any thought of my feelings. Sometimes, they would want me to be their guide around Singapore and they were to meet me at some time, they would be late. I was very furious and sad that how they can be possibly so inconsiderate and what have I done that they would not respect or follow my decisions.

Sadness is unpredictable; sadness could happen to you anytime and anything could make you sad.

(295 words)