† English Blog'10 †
English Oasis
Tuesday, February 23
Free Writing on given vocabulary
My happiness started to slip away. I am quacking with terror, hoping against hope. “Madam Chan, please forgive my sins, I know I am in the wrong. I am here to confess my mistake, please let me off this time.” I begged Madam Chan desperately.

“No, you vandalised some of the properties which belongs to the school, which is a serious offense!” Madam Chan yelled at the top of her voice, seething with anger.

Madam Chan held onto my hand and trying to drag me into the General Office. I stood as stiff as a statue, standing outside the General Office. My nose and eyes were drenched and I wiped them with the back of my sleeve. I continued to beg Madam Chan, not to tell Mrs Lee, the principal, about it. My tears were strangling my voice while I spoke.

Madam Chan shook her head, saying that if I had the guts to vandalise, then I would have the guts to face the music. I felt naked and ghastly and vulnerable. She continued to drag me in. She knocked on the door of the principal’s office, which had “Mrs Daisy Lee” fainted at the door. Mrs Lee ordered us to go into the room.

Madam Chan pushed me forward. I clenched my fist and I shuffled my feet into the room. Mrs Lee asked what was the problem. Madam Chan told her what had happened. An errie slience had permeated the room. “You dare, why do you have to do this? I am going to report this to your parents!” Her words were like thunderbolt out of a clear blue sky.

“No! Please do not inform my parents about this.” I fought against the panick surging within.

Mrs Lee rejected my idea, and spin a yarn about a student who had the similar case and its consequences. My mind was blank, I do not know what to do. I had given a thought about it and I supported Mrs Lee’s idea about telling my parents. I was suspended for two weeks and I told myself, not to do this again.