† English Blog'10 †
English Oasis
Saturday, January 23

Personal Aspirations and Target Setting

This year I want to concentrate on my studies as to achieve great marks in mathematics and in the mean time, I want to improve my skills in my CCA and academic work as well. Revisions were done on the everyday basis and wanting to score well for my English tests and examinations, others subjects are included.

I would study hard for these subjects that I have not been doing well in: English, Geography and Design and Technology. When I had reached Secondary 3, I would choose subjects like Social Studies for Humanities, and Additional Mathematics and Biology for pure Science if I could reach Integrity 1.

This year we had to get the top 40 places to access to Integrity 1 to afford to take these subjects.
There are a few career aspirations I have after graduation from Chong Boon Secondary School. There are certain personal strengths; knowledge skills and behaviors I possess that will maximize my talents and also ways that effective intrapersonal and interpersonal communication plays into my future success.
I would work as an Intern when I have the rights. I would be able to know all the places in the company and all the hidden secrets would uncover and this is what life is suppose to be, full of surprises.