† English Blog'10 †
English Oasis
Saturday, January 30

2.Sentosa Growth Day Beach

Fieaster 30/1/2010

This year's growth day is fantastic, as it was held at sentosa ,and it was the first time going to the trip to celebrate Growth Day.

Last year, i had forgotten where we had celebrate the Growth Day. Iwas trying to recount where we had, but I had no clue. I think the reason was it was not as memorial as this year's.

We were told to be the first to go to the Sentosa, but in the end it was the 2NT students left first.

When we reached our destination, we took a long walk to the game carnival near the sapphire pavillon. Game cards were given in the morning in school where we had our morning assembly, for our flag raising. The Game cards were used to play in hte Game Carnivals ,which were set up by the ITE students, where we have tickets attached at the side to play. Free Milo drinks were provided for us.

Around 1115h, we settled down near the staircase, where we get down from the bus, to have our lunchbreak there. The foods were nice, but it lost the taste when we ate it. It must be very nice when it was freshly cooked.

We left Sentosa and board the bus around 1230h. We were exhausted by the time we reached home. I almost slept in the bus.

I reached home around 1330h. I will never forget this wonderful and memorable day at sentosa.