† English Blog'10 †
English Oasis
Saturday, March 6
Annual Cross Country 2010
Annual Cross Country 2010

Wow! This year's Cross Country was great, but I would still think that Nanyang Polytechnic would be much a better place for our annual Cross Country, as there are not as many mosquitoes as MacRitche Reservoir. Still, I enjoyed this day very much.

This is my first time Alvin and I came to MacRitche Reservoir alone. That was the time when I woke up the earliest in my life. We took Bus 74 to the destination. I brought the bus guide and a map with me, just in case we were lost.

Unfortunately, we alight at the wrong bus stop. We had to walk a distant of a bus stop to another. After 700 meters of walk, we met Brian on the way to the reservoir. He was standing beside the mailbox stand talking to a schoolmate,which we were not familiar of.

We greeted one another and we walked in together. Around 50 steps from the entrance, we saw Mr Teng, with a few students with him. I think he was waiting for Ms Jey and the other Red Cross cadets.

We chatted for awhile and we head on to a pavilion, where there are vending machines, which came from Japan, for us to buy and drink. The machine only accepts coins, but none of us have any. We decided to use notes, but we realised a $10 note was to large for the machine to accept and a $5 note was taken in and rejected as it only accept Japanese notes.

We, as Red Cross cadets, we dressed in our "mufti", were instructed to assemble at the Red Cross Main Station. Then, Mr Teng assign our partners and we followed him to our respective stations, to help the casualties. I was surprised to hear that Mrs Kwong was the respective teacher-in-charge for this particular station. There were 3 NCC cadet juniors accompanied us. They were playing on their own and might have forgotton their purpose of their mission. Luckily, there were no casualties at near our station.

After the all the schoolmates had ran, Mr Tan walked together with Jackson, had told us to go back to the Red Cross Main Station. It was a distant of around 3 bus-stops away and we were very tired when we reached the Red Cross Station.

We were given chairs to sit. While I was sitting, I was sweating heavily and I kept wipping off my sweat, till the Prize-giving ceremony, where screams, cheers and applause going on. A principal from another Secondary School came to present the prizes to the winners.

After the whole event, it was around lunch time, Alvin and I went to Ang Mo Kio Hub to get our lunch done. We decided to have our lunch at MacDonalds. We sat down, ordered our food, and we chatted while consuming our burgers and fries.

We went home after our lunch. I was exhausted after the whole event as I have been standing till the event ended.