† English Blog'10 †
English Oasis
Wednesday, April 21

7 Sunrise Place

Singapore 123557

21st April 2010

Mrs Sally Lee


Chong Boon Secondary School

Dear Mrs Lee


My friends and I have been going to the school library lately to do some self-study. However, we are unhappy about a few incidents which took place recently in the school library. I am writing this letter to inform you of the incidents happening in the library recently. I hope you could take action to make it back to what it was in the past, a conducive environment for us to have our self-study.

A of students have been making noises in the library. When the librarian came forward and requested them to keep their volume down, some of the students showed her faces and some of them threatened her. I think they should be punished for being rude to the librarian.

Some of the students did not follow the rules set by the librarian. They brought their food into the library, this is outrageous! They even spilled their drinks. It is very sweet, which would cause ants to consume. As a result, the table felt sticky, which was very inconvenient for us to study. I think they should clean up the spill on the table before they leave the library or inform the school janitor to clean the mess.

There was a boy who wore his PE attire into the library. He was soaked with perspiration. He may catch a cold due to his soaked attire or his sweat will cause an odour and irritate the people in the library. I think he was inconsiderate. The library should ban pupils, who are soaked in perspiration, from entering the library. The library should entitle this rule in front of the door, where the students can see the rule upon entering the library.

There was a group of students playing games on the computers for a long time. This is very inconvenient for the students, who want to do their project. I think the librarian should stop them from playing the computers and allow the students who want to use the computer urgently.

I hope you could do something about this.

Yours sincerely,

Reuel Quek

Respect 2