† English Blog'10 †
English Oasis
Sunday, April 11
Sports Fiesta 2010
Sports Fiesta 2010

This year, the sports fieasta was held at the same location as the previous year, the Serangoon Stadium. I was glad that it was still held at the same location as last year as we were very familiar with the place, especially for us, the uniform groups.

As usual, Alvin would meet me the night before, to go to the stadium together. We took Bus 72 from our home and took around 15-20 minutes to reach the destination. I followed the checklist I wrote and double-check to ensure that the itnery was sufficient.

That was around 0645h when we reached there. We walked up the stairs and chatted along the way. When we entered the stadium, we headed towards the Red Cross Main Station. We sat there around 15 miunutes and our seniors including our Sir came.

After a moment, Ms Jey arrived. She sat down on a chair, beside the table, and took our attendance according to our class level. It was as if we were at the army camp there. We were assigned our positions and we waited for the morning assembly.

Mr Tan started asking the students to assemble according to their respective classes and settle down. Ms Jey told us to go back to our classes to sing the national anthem on the grassland. At that moment when we sang our national anthem, the golden sunlight from the sun shines at us and the heat was unresistable, but as part of a uniform group, we should be more discliplined than others, so I kept still to avoid wiping my sweat.

After the national anthem, we headed back to the Red Cross Main Station and get our First-Aid kit to our respective positions that had been assigned by Ms Jey earlier. Luckily, there was no casualty,so we just stood there and look at the competitions between the different coloured-houses.

During the games were played, I saw many of my classmates were running on the track and trying their best to strive for excellence. I was surprised that Zhi Sheng was competing with the other groups. In the middle of the game I was shocked that Zhi Sheng's shoe had came of his foot, but this had not stopped him from running and he ran as fast as he possibily could.

When the whole games event was over, my senior told me to head back to the Red Cross Main Station to take a rest. As a part of Voltus, I was felt proud that Voltus had won the second for the overall performance and neither did I expect that the red house had won the championship trophy.

I wish the following years, the Sports Fieaster would be held at the Serangoon Stadium again, as it left us alot of memories.