† English Blog'10 †
English Oasis
Monday, August 2
Situational Writing on Traffic Accident
2 August 2010

Teenage and the accident of the blue Toyota Vehicle

By Reuel Quek

On 31 July 2010 at about 6pm, Mr Adrian Sin, 21, was found in the middle of Sengkang East Road, when asked what had happened, he said that he was being knocked down by a blue Toyota vehicle, when he was riding on his motorcycle, which had sped away after he had been knocked down.

He suffered serious injuries and he had nearly lost his life. 1 August 2010, Police appealed to the public for information about the Hit-And-Run driver. A member of the public had seen a blue Toyota vehicle stopped in the carpark near his residence. He suspected that this vehicle has the same feature as described, so he reported the licence number plate to the police.

The police immediately went to track down the owner of the licence plate number and was brought back to the police station. He told the police that at that moment, he was dining with his girlfriend and he had an eye-witness, Mr Koh Suat Aik, was the waiter at the restaurant and he could remember the customer he had served as he nearly poured some orange juice on the girlfriend's dress. The police had to release him as he may not be the person they have been searching for.

36-year-old, Ms Tanya Chew, an eye-witness, said, "It happened so fast!" and she was also sure that she saw two cars.

A bystander, Mr Leck Soon Kee, 29, said "there were streams of blood on the road." He was shocked by what had been left of the motorcycle.

Another bystander, Ms Daisy Kwek, said, "All I heard was a big bang!" and she was unsure what had taken place.

Said the Commander of the Traffic Police, Supt Kagen Chow: "Hit and run offenders who failed to remain at the scene and help the casualty will be dealt severely. If you were to run away without confessing, you might be fined, jailed or both. If you have any information about this accident, please report to us immediately."